Monday, February 4, 2008


Laura Ingraham: "All right, I'm going to see your endorsement and raise you an announcement: February 12th is the big D.C. primary, I'm pulling the lever for Mitt Romney. No doubt about it. No hesitation." ("The Laura Ingraham Show," 2/1/08)

To listen to Laura Ingraham, please see:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have to fight for Romney!!

Romney has to fight. He has the liberal media trying to dictate our votes. He has McCain who can do nothing but lie.Huckabee who has almost no chance to win. We have people who do not know Romney and what he really stands for.
Romney came into this campaign as a Washington outsider, not well known. Those of us who did know him, saw how he brought the Olympics out of the ashes, and how Massachusetts ended up with a financial surplus due to government waste being cut, his ability to manage and lead the state.
Romney continues to be a Washington outsider which is great for America.
Romney will not cave to allow illegals to continue living in our country while taking our tax dollars; he will close the borders so America can be safe; he will stop government waste and spending because he owes no one any favors and does what is right for the taxpayers. Romney will bring America's industry back, so Americans can have jobs and we can buy American products. He will increase grants and research to better our products and growth. He will strengthen our military so we can remain free.
Romney is the only one to give us hope of a change in not only our country, but hope to ourselves to be able have money in our pockets, hope for our children and those that come after. Hope to know that our government waste will be eliminated and spending decreased. Hope that the money spent on illegals in our country will return to our citizens who are in need of service, education and healthcare.
With McCain, Huckabee or any of the dems, we might as well accept that things will be the same. Our country can not continue to allow illegals to invade our country and take from us. If our country allowed those who want illegals and open borders to pay for them, that is fine. I want my money to care for the citizens of our country, strengthen our military, increase our economy.
Those of you who read this may think I am full of it. I am not. Read Romney's record, I dare you. Use the knowledge you have been given to take our country back to the citizens of the USA!!!