Jeremy Jones, candidate for US House for Georgia’s 9th district, participated in the Gilmer County TEA party candidate forum. The forum was held on Tuesday the 15th, on the heels of the trip the group took to Washington DC to be a part of the 9/12 March on DC.
Jones energized the near capacity crowd at the ETC pavilion with his opening remarks. Rather than saying the similar, expected, Conservative phrases in line with all of the other candidates, Jones took the time to challenge the members to keep up the good work. “Don’t stop after the primary, don’t stop after the election. No matter who wins, keep the pressure on us.”
Because of the large number of candidates, the number of questions from the audience was limited. Questions that were asked touched on various topics such as illegal immigration, term limits, and the proposed audit of the Federal Reserve System.
To the question of the audit of the Federal Reserve, Jones set himself apart from the rest of the candidates when he replied, “…be careful for what you ask.” Jones insisted he was for the audit, but cautioned, “I know how bad the results of the audit will be. I will not want an audit until we have a plan in place to address the major financial meltdown that will occur when we confirm what we all assume. “
When asked to expand on his answer later, Jones said, “I agree an audit must take place, but if we do not have “plan B” in place, we will witness the dive of the Dollar to levels so low, our country could become bankrupt overnight. Everything from savings bonds to 401K’s will be worthless, unless a plan is in place first. If you knew you were going to the beach when a hurricane was approaching, you would not go unprepared. All I am saying, we cannot do the audit until we are prepared for the aftermath.”
After the meeting several attendees said Jones seemed to have the greatest knowledge of the topics and he was, “…well informed and well prepared.” Of such statements, Jones said, “It was the TEA movement that confirmed the drive to run for me. The beliefs and frustration among this group, and thousands similar across the country are exactly how I feel. I am simply saying what is from my heart.”
The event comes after a Union County picnic where Jones placed third in a straw poll, out of a field of almost 10 candidates. “The recent poll shows we have a lot of work left to do, but considering how little money we have spent, and how well we are received at all events, including the TEA party events, it is clear, this seat is not going to be bought. The people are tired of politicians shuffling jobs.”
The Dark Stranger ()
9 years ago
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